Tuesday 19 June 2012

Day what?

So Day 2 (or is that Day 1?).

I knew that yesterday would be an easy day. After all, I had three days of marvellous Northern Irish food reserves that would keep a football team satisfied for a week. The massive bowl of banana porridge in the morning, light lunch and then those stuffed mushrooms had made me feel very virtuous and 'official'. This is why I am saying that today is day 2.

So after a very early bowl of muesli, some diet shakes, a morsel of dried fruit, a LOT of tasty soups and rye bread I like to think that the inmates of Contrary Towers are off to a flying start. Certainly no excuse at all for any complaining about the rations, after all size isn't everything.

What else was on the action list?
  • An official weigh/measure in - Done *gulp*
  • A food plan - Er...? Sorry, that was a bit ambitious. Will 'make a lot of soup' do?
  • A micoach recalibration (didn't realise I was that heavy or that short) - Done
  • Morning run - Oooo done. A lovely sunny interval training effort of 4.32k (367 cal)
  • Buy healthy snacks - Done. Had some dried fruit in my desk drawer
After the grand recording of vital statistics you need to feel you've started something drastic immediately. Anyway, we have all the facts, we know what we've got to do and it's not like it's really difficult. 

As was said tonight, it's not a diet it's a .... and I paraphrase... a portion adjustment exercise. We're used to big ones, that all.

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